The Code

            const events = [
              event: "ComicCon",
              city: "New York",
              state: "New York",
              attendance: 240000,
              date: "06/01/2017",
              event: "ComicCon",
              city: "New York",
              state: "New York",
              attendance: 250000,
              date: "06/01/2018",
              event: "ComicCon",
              city: "New York",
              state: "New York",
              attendance: 257000,
              date: "06/01/2019",
              event: "ComicCon",
              city: "San Diego",
              state: "California",
              attendance: 130000,
              date: "06/01/2017",
              event: "ComicCon",
              city: "San Diego",
              state: "California",
              attendance: 140000,
              date: "06/01/2018",
              event: "ComicCon",
              city: "San Diego",
              state: "California",
              attendance: 150000,
              date: "06/01/2019",
              event: "HeroesCon",
              city: "Charlotte",
              state: "North Carolina",
              attendance: 40000,
              date: "06/01/2017",
              event: "HeroesCon",
              city: "Charlotte",
              state: "North Carolina",
              attendance: 45000,
              date: "06/01/2018",
              event: "HeroesCon",
              city: "Charlotte",
              state: "North Carolina",
              attendance: 50000,
              date: "06/01/2019",
          const getEvents = () => {
            let storedEvents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('ed-events') || '[]');
            if (storedEvents.length == 0) {
              storedEvents = events;
              localStorage.setItem('ed-events', JSON.stringify(events));
            return storedEvents;
          const buildDropdown = () => {
            // get current events
            let currentEvents = getEvents();
            // get a list of unique cities
            let eventCities = =>;
            let distinctCities = new Set(eventCities);  //eliminates duplicates and then returns the unique items
            let dropdownChoices = ['All', ...distinctCities];
            const dropdownDiv = document.getElementById('city-dropdown');
            const dropdownItemTemplate = document.getElementById("dropdown-template");
            dropdownDiv.innerHTML = '';
            // with each unique city:
            dropdownChoices.forEach(choice => {
              // -  copy the dropdown template
              let dropdownItemCopy = dropdownItemTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
              // - change that copies text
              let aTag = dropdownItemCopy.querySelector('a');
              aTag.innerText = choice;
              // - put in the dropdown
            document.getElementById('stats-loc').textContent = 'All';
          const displayEvents = (events) => {
            //find the table
            const eventsTable = document.getElementById('events-table');
            //find the table row template
            const eventTemplate = document.getElementById('table-row-template');
            //clear out the table
            eventsTable.innerHTML = '';
            //for each event:
            for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
              // -- get one event
              let event = events[i];
              // -- clone the template
              let tableRow = eventTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
              // -- get each property of en event 
              // -- insert each property ino the cloned template
              let eventNameCell = tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="event"]');
              eventNameCell.innerText = event.event;
              tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="city"]').innerText =;
              tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="state"]').innerText = event.state;
              tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="attendance"]').innerText = event.attendance.toLocaleString();
              tableRow.querySelector('[data-id="date"]').innerText = new Date(;
              // Object.keys(event).forEach(key => {
              // })
              // -- insert the event data into the table
          const displayStats = (events) => {
            let total = 0;
            let max = 0;
            let min = events[0].attendance;
            for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
              let event = events[i];
              total += event.attendance;
              if (event.attendance > max) {
                max = event.attendance;
              } else if (event.attendance < min) {
                min = event.attendance;
            let avg = total / events.length;
            document.getElementById('total-attendance').innerHTML = total.toLocaleString();
            document.getElementById('avg-attendance').innerHTML = Math.round(avg).toLocaleString();
            document.getElementById('max-attended').innerHTML = max.toLocaleString();
            document.getElementById('min-attended').innerHTML = min.toLocaleString();
          const filterEvents = (dropdownItemClicked) => {
            let cityName = dropdownItemClicked.innerText;
            document.getElementById('stats-loc').textContent = cityName;
            let allEvents = getEvents();
            let filteredEvents = [];
            if (cityName == 'All') {
              filterEvents = allEvents
            else {
              filteredEvents = allEvents.filter(event => == cityName);
            displayStats(filteredEvents);  //overall stats
            displayEvents(filteredEvents);  //table
          const saveEvent = () => {
            let eventName = document.getElementById('event-name').value;
            let city = document.getElementById('city').value;
            let stateSelect = document.getElementById('state');
            let selectedIndex = stateSelect.selectedIndex;
            let selectedOption = stateSelect.options[selectedIndex];
            let state = selectedOption.text;
            let attendance = parseInt(document.getElementById('attendance').value);
            let dateString = document.getElementById('date').value;
            dateString = `${dateString} 00:00`;
            let eventDate = new Date(dateString).toLocaleDateString();
            let newEvent = {
              event: eventName,
              city: city,     
              state: state,
              attendance: attendance,
              date: eventDate,
            let allEvents = getEvents();
            localStorage.setItem('ed-events', JSON.stringify(allEvents));

The code is structured in six functions


getEvents() is a function that returns all of the storedEvents that the user has. Before returning this array of objects storedEvents, the localStorage is parsed by JSON.parse() and then it is checked to see whether its a empty array in the localStorage or whether their are any key value pairs present. If there are no values in the array storedEvents, the global variable events and its data is stored inside of storedEvents, a key gets set with localStorage.setItem() and the value of this key will be a a string after using JSON.stringify().


buildDropdown() is a function that builds the dropwdown with entires that the user can select from. First the events are fetched from calling getEvents() and stored in a variable called currentEvents. Next, the eventCities variable is created by mapping through currentEvents and it pulls only the city name attribute from the objects. After that, the distinctCities variable is created to hold the distinct values from using new Set() on eventCities in order to eliminate duplicates. After all duplicates have been removed, the variable dropdownChoices is created which is a array to hold the values stored in distinctCities using the spread operator ...distinctCities .

After the choices have been for the dropdown, the div that holds the dropdown is cleared by using dropdownDiv.innerHTML = ''. After the div is cleared, the dropdown choices are looped through using the forEach() loop. Inside of the loop, the dropdownItemTemplate is cloned using dropdownItemTemplate.content.cloneNode(true) and stored in the variable dropdownItemCopy. A querySelector is then used on the dropdownItemCopy to find the tag to set its innerText to one of the choices for th dropdown and then the dropdownItemCopy is appended to the dropdownDiv. The span tag in the below the dropdown, its text content is set to 'All' becuase with the webpage first loads it will display data for all events and then the two functions are called displayEvents(currentEvents) and displayStats(currentEvents).


buildDropdown() is a function that takes the varible events as a parameter and uses it to build the events table. First the eventsTable and eventTemplate are found with document.getElementById(), the eventsTable gets cleared with evetnsTable.innerHTML = ''. A for loop is used then to loop through the events. Each event will be iterated through, the tableRow in the template will be cloned each iteration and the selective fields on the event objects will be queried in order to change the selective fields data with the data from the events array of objects. After the data is inserted into their respective fields, this tableRow is then appneded to the eventsTable so the data can display.


displayStats(events) is a function that display the stats for the different events in the table below the dropdown. A for loop is used to loop through all the events, and before the for loop is finished the max, min, and total will be calculated for the attendance of all events. After the for loops is finished, the average will be caluculated. Once these values have be calucualed, each value is sotre in their respective column in the stats table.


filterEvents(dropdownItemClicked) is a function that will filter the event data for a particular city or alll cities. The city name is fetched from the dropdown selection and all of the events are fetched from calling the getEvents() function. An empty array called filterEvents is created to hold the events based on the if/else statement. If the city name equals all, then all of the events will be pushed to the filteredEvents array. Else, if the city name is not equal to All then the events will be filtered by the city name that is seleected by using .filter() and the the data wil be stored in filteredEvents


saveEvent() is a function that will save the event data that is entered on the modal. All of the data inputted on the form, on the modal, by the user is are stored in different variables. These varibles are then using to build a new object called newEvent. getEvents() is called to fetch all of the events and then newEvent is pushed to allEvents whcih hold all the events fetched from getEvents(). The allEvents() varible is then stored in localStorage. The form is then reset to be a blank formm with no data and the buildDropdown() method is called to build the dropdown again.